Lonely Hearts
(Titre VF : Angel fait équipe )
Angel, épisode 02 saison 1

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Citations © Buffy Fan 2000/2001 - Merci de respecter les droits d'auteurs
Toute copie, même partielle de ces citations sont interdites. Ces citations sont tirées de la version originale de « Buffy contre les vampires ». Les personnages ainsi que les droits de la série télévisée "Buffy contre les vampires" ne nous appartiennent pas. Ils ont été crées par Joss Whedon, et lui appartiennent, ainsi qu' à Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television et the WB Television Network. Pour toute demande de diffusion, de n'importe qu'elle manière, veuillez vous adressez au webmaster de ce site.

~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Surfy

ANGEL: …Couple of lookers like us should be out there enjoying the nightlife. Not sitting here in the dark like some kind of…
ANGEL: … some kind of vampire?
DOYLE: Well, yeah. I was going to say Slacker, but, yeah, to you, Mr. Obvious.

DOYLE: When you’re talking me up to her, don’t let her in on that me being half demon. Because, you know, women can be a little funny about that.

CORDELIA: They’re finally in.
DOYLE à Angel: There in.
ANGEL: Okay…?
CORDELIA: Your cards.
DOYLE: The cards.
CORDELIA: Your calling cards to leave with people so they know how to reach you.
DOYLE: Great idea! Calling cards. It’s not like you have a signal folks can shine in the sky when ever they need help, you know?
ANGEL: Hey, look at that, there is our number. It’s right next to a… a…hum … a…a butterfly?
DOYLE: It’s obviously not a butterfly, you idiot. It’s a…a bird. No, no, wait, it’s an owl. A…a bird that hunts at night. Brilliant! It’s a…a…”
CORDELIA: It’s an angel!
ANGEL: An angel. Right. It’s an angel!
DOYLE: Brilliant. So obvious and so clever on so many levels…

 CORDELIA: Hi! If you’re in trouble, just call this number. We can help.
CORDELIA: Hi. Being harassed by someone or something? Just dial us up, day or night. You look troubled. Are you troubled or is that just your lazy eye? Anyway, call us, we are very discreet.

CORDELIA: I’m an actress, a student of the human animal. I don’t need to talk to people to know their story.
CORDY: You see jazz-hands over there? Mama’s boy. Peter Pan complex. (Points at a short hair blonde) Self-absorbed closet-dud, with a big ‘the world owes me’ chip on her shoulder. (Points to an another girl) Check out Sarah-plain-and-tall. Has or comes from big money.
DOYLE: How do you know all that?
CORDY: Well, you’ve got to be rich to snag the Calvin Klein model she’s leaving with.
DOYLE: Yeah, well, they’re all riveting insights and such, but we need to find someone that’s in trouble?

ANGEL: No, no, no, I’m just looking for someone to rescue? -Are you maybe in need of some rescuing?
KATE: Well that’s the strangest line I’m going to hear tonight.

CORDY: I mean they should send you one of those self-destructing tapes, you know, that come with a dossier?
DOYLE: Well, I’m sure to mention it…

DOYLE: Violence isn’t going to solve a thing here… On the other hand it is kind of festive.

ANGEL: This socialising thing is brutal. I mean, I was young once, I used to go to bars. It wasn’t anything like this.
DOYLE: I used to go to taverns. Small towns, where everybody used to know each other.
CORDY: Yeah, like High school. It was easy to date there. We all had so much in common. Being monster food every other week for instance.
DOYLE: Well, you’re in the big, bad city now, huh? Where everyone’s a stranger - hiding behind walls, keeping secrets.

CORDY: Well, a couple of hundred years ago all you had to worry about was a hang over. Today, because of your curse thingy, you can’t sleep with anyone - or else you might feel a moment of true happiness, lose your soul, become evil again, and kill everyone.
ANGEL: Thanks Cordelia, I always appreciate your perspective.
CORDY: No problem. Hey, the last thing I want is to show up at the office and find that I’m working for a homicidal monster.

KATE: You can go to hell.
ANGEL: Been there, done that.

ANGEL: I saw it. It’s a burrower.
CORDELIA: It’s a donkey? Oh, we didn’t see any donkey demons.
ANGEL: Burrower.

CORDY: It’s a parasite. It moves from body to body. And when it leaves one for the next, not going to gag here, but the first one goes kaplooey pretty fast.
DOYLE: Yep curdles like cream on a hot day.
CORDY: I believe I covered that with non-dairy kaplooey?

Par Surfy pour Buffy Fan
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