~~~~~~~~~~ Citations
Réalisé par
Spivey: I heard it was a
Kate: Supervisor Caffrey
shot himself…
Spivey: It happens.
Kate: In the back of his
head? He wrapped himself in plastic and he locked himself into the back
of his car?
Spivey: He'd been depressed.
Kate: Where is Little Tony?
Spivey: Burbank, Stockholm,
the Planet Mongol. I have no idea where he is!
Angel: It's about time.
Doyle: Not a lot of enchanted
sword smiths open on Sunday.
Angel: Make sure you cut
up all the limbs and both of its heads this time. Remember to bury the
parts separately. I don't want this thing coming back to life again.
Cordy: That's it?
Cordy: OK, am I wrong in
thinking that a "Please" and "Thank you" is generally considered good form
when requesting a dismemberment?
Cordy: Do you think that tentacle spew comes out with dry cleaning?
Angel: And what are you talking
Cordy: You do remember leaving
us in the sewer with a giant calamari?
Angel: Yeah, and you're
both here. So I assume it went okay, right?
Cordy: Mr. and Mrs. Spock need to mind meld now.
Tony: And don't forget to
water my plants.
Benny: Sure thing.
Tony: Talk to them. They
like that.
Tony: Who's the mook?
Angel: Herb Saunders, Baltimore.
Benny: It's Herb Saunders.
Angel: Cripes, the freeways
you people have in this town. I've been driving around in circles all day.
But the brochure did say the boat's leaving every two hours.
Benny: I think you're still
Angel: That's not the boat
to Catalina?
Benny: No.
Angel: Are you sure? I could
have sworn the ticket said Pier 39. It’s here somewhere. I just had it.
Benny: Come on, get out
of here.
Tony: Benny, I don't like
that guy.
Angel: It's the hat, isn't
it? I knew the hat was too much.
Kate: Which part of “Just
get out of there” gave you the trouble?
Angel: I had to do something.
I mean, he was getting away.
Kate: So you decided to
dress like a road flare and put my ass and yours on the line.
Tony: You've… you’ve been
running after me for a long time, haven't you sweetheart? If I'd know how
bad you wanted me, I might have let you catch me a little sooner.
Kate: If I'd know how badly
you needed the exercise, I might have let you run a little longer.
Lawyer: For his own safety.
Kate: Aww, is he afraid
to stay with us? You need a night light?
Cordy: Ah-hmm!
Angel: What?
Cordy: Nothing. I just find
it endlessly fascinating how your feelings are so attuned when it comes
to boring old evil, but you have yet to make any mention about these new
Angel: Look, Cordelia. Women's
shoes... Men… they just don't…
Doyle: Great shoes! New?
Doyle: So, you were right,
Papazian is planning something.
Angel: What did you hear?
Doyle: That Papazian is
planning something.
Angel: That's it?
Doyle: Johnny Red says,
quote: Papazian is planing something.
Angel: I thought he might
be planning something.
Doyle: See, you were right.
Man: Is there something that
you always wanted to say to your mother, but never could?
Kate: Will you marry me?
Angel: Well, yeah! He wants
you dead.
Kate: Oh, I get that. I'm
just saying that he must be in some kind of pain to strike out at other's
in that way.
Angel: Are you okay?
Kate: Oh god, listen to
me. Suddenly I'm Dr. Laura. Next thing you know I'll be talking about processing
and my inner child. I'm sure I'll be back to my usual level of cynicism
in no time.
Cordy: Why I ever thought it was a nifty idea to work for a vam…trilloquist.
Cordy: What's her deal? Too
much…(Elle fait le geste de boire)
Doyle: Thumb sucking?
Cordy: Alcohol! Dummy.
Doyle: Don't look at me
like that. I'm not the one that needs to brush up on their finger pantomime.
Kate: Where is the truth?
Where is the truth? He is hiding behind Mr. Humour. I mean, look at. Look
at Doyle.. really look at him, what do you see?
Cordy: A bad double-poly
Kate: That's defence, Cordelia.
Maybe you should open your heart to a new possibility!
Doyle: "Hey, you know, she's
starting to make some sense…
Man: What were your parents
Angel: My parents were great.
Tasted a lot like chicken.
Angel: Okay, I think someone
needs a hug.
Doyle et Cordy: Huh?
Angel les prend dans ses
Cordy: Ack, eww? Eww!
Cordy: Hey! What's your damage?
Doyle: I think he's just
found Mr. Sensitivity.
Angel: He was right in here
all the time, just waiting to come out.
Cordy: He put the whammy
on you! You stink with whammy!
Doyle: She's right.
Angel: Talking stick, it's
cursed all right.
Cordy to Doyle: There's
a stick that talks?
Angel : He admitted it to me after I… threatened him with violence.
Angel: No, Little Tony was
planning all along just to kill her himself. Poor guy.
Cordy: Poor guy?
Angel: Well, he's got issues.
Doyle: Angel, man, you've
got to snap out of this!
Cordy: Right now. It's time
for you to get all vampy, grr! Kate needs you.
Angel: I don't want to.
You both withdraw when I go vamp. I feel you judge me.
Cordy: We won't judge you,
will we? Give it a try.
Angel: Closeness is too
important to me right now.
Policier: I’d to apologize for having treated you so shabbily, so I wrote a poem about it. I saw a leaf and I did cry...
Angel: What's the magic word?
Cordy: Urgh!
Angel: No, I don't think
'Urgh' is the magic word, if one would call it a word. And even then it's
certainly not a magic one.
Cordy: We don't have time
for this!
Angel: There is always time
to be considerate of others, Cordelia.
Cordy : Oh, please!
Angel: See? That wasn't
so hard now, was it?
Angel: I'm feeling some serious
negative energy in this room.
Cordy: Go on. Take care
of him!
Kate: I'm sure he'd say
the same thing, but that gun really makes you come off as hostile.
Angel: That and the body
language. It's so closed.
Kate: Yeah.
Doyle: Angel, man, fight,
don't talk.
Cordy: We are so dead.
Angel: Now, why don't we
all sit down together and process this?
Tony: Seems that sensitivity
training I paid for really took, huh, Nancy Boy?
Kate: How do you think
that makes me feel?
Angel: Okay, now I'm
feeling unheard.
Angel: You know, Anthony
you could be a rainbow and not a painbow. I mean, it really is all up to
Cordy: Ugh, anyone for vomit?