I will remember you
(Titre VF : Je ne t’oublierai jamais )
Angel, épisode 08 saison 1

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Citations © Buffy Fan 2000/2001 - Merci de respecter les droits d'auteurs
Toute copie, même partielle de ces citations sont interdites. Ces citations sont tirées de la version originale de « Buffy contre les vampires ». Les personnages ainsi que les droits de la série télévisée "Buffy contre les vampires" ne nous appartiennent pas. Ils ont été crées par Joss Whedon, et lui appartiennent, ainsi qu' à Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television et the WB Television Network. Pour toute demande de diffusion, de n'importe qu'elle manière, veuillez vous adressez au webmaster de ce site.

~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Surfy

Cordy: Where is the crabby scowl, the morbid gloom? This just means that it cut deeper then usual. Batten down the hatches, here comes Hurricane Buffy.

Doyle: Don't do it, Angel!
Doyle: Listen to me, man, it's not worth it.
Angel: It's not?
Cordy: No! You can't let her get to you like this. You'll meet someone else.
Angel: Because I need it to level my desk. The floor is uneven. You two thought…
Cordy: Doyle did!

Angel: Can I get you anything?
Buffy: How about… an explanation?

Angel: It's complicated how this all happened, Buffy, you know? It's kind of a long story.
Buffy: You're new sidekick had a vision, I was in it, you came to Sunnydale?
Angel: Okay, maybe not that long.

Doyle: So that's the Slayer.
Cordy: That's our Buffy.
Doyle: Well, she seemed a little…
Cordy: Bulgarian in that outfit?
Doyle: No, I was going to say hurt.
Cordy: Yeah, there's a lot of that when they're together. Come on.
Doyle: Where are we going?
Cordy: Oh, they'll be into this for a while. We still have time for a cappuccino and probably the director's cut of “Titanic”.

Doyle: Did you hear that?
Cordy: Yeah, the Angel and Buffy show. First they talk out their differences, then they punch them out.
Doyle: Shouldn't we…
Cordy: …Stick our noses where they don't belong and get them flattened? No thank you.

Angel: I feel weird.
Buffy: I know. I do, too. I mean, I only came to see you so I could tell you face-to-face not to see me face-to-face anymore, and I know there is a fly in the logic ointment here somewhere, but… The next thing I knew we're being attacked by this mutant ninja demon thing, and then we're on the floor on top of each other, and it's just really confusing being around you.
Angel: No, I meant I felt weird from the demon’s blood. It's powerful.
Buffy: Oh. Okay. Let's just rewind Buffy's little outburst and pretend it never happened.

Buffy: Oh, boy. I was really jonesing for another heartbreaking sewer talk.
Cordy: Oh, my God!
Doyle: What?
Cordy: She killed him! (Elle ramasse de la poussière par terre) Oops! My bad. It's just dust I forgot to sweep under the rug.
Doyle: What, are you trying to give me a heart attack?
Cordy: Hey, don't blame me if he's too cheap to hire a Cleaning Lady.

 Cordy: Hey, you walked in the front door, from the street! You got…
Angel: Yeah.
Cordy: An umbrella!
Doyle: He's alive, Cordelia.

Angel: And I'm so hungry!
Cordy: Look out, he's gonna eat…everything in sight!
Angel: Oh my God. Food. This is unbelievable. This is so…You know, I forgot how good it all tastes when you're alive!
Cordy: Yeah and they didn't even have Cookie-dough-fudge-mint-chip when you were alive.
Angel: Mmm, I want some! Can you get that?
Cordy: It'll go straight to your thighs.
Angel: Hum, chocolate! Oh, chocolate!
Doyle: All right, all right, we need to focus here. We need to try and find out…
Angel: I love chocolate! (Il boit un yaourt) Uh, but not, as it turns out, yoghurt. Ugh!
Doyle: Orsen! We're in a situation here.
Angel: Right. I know. You're right. Let me think and …now my stomach's killing me.

Angel:  I want to speak to the Powers-That-Be.
Doyle: Woah, Woah, Woah! That's easier said then done, bud. The Powers-That-Be don't live in our reality. You have to approach them through channels. Dangerous channels.
Angel: Yeah, you know what? Start approaching!
Doyle: All right. All right. Maybe we can try the Oracles. But hey, if they turn you into a toad don't say I didn't warn you.

Angel: “The Gateway for Lost Souls”…is under the post office?
Doyle: It makes sense if you think about it.

Cordy: This plant was thriving just this morning. Now look at it. I'm telling you where she leads, dark forces follow.
Doyle: Buffy gave it mites?
Cordy: How else do you explain it?
Doyle: Jealousy?
Cordy: I'm jealous of her? Oh, please!
Doyle: It's just a theory.
Cordy: Jealous or not, our lives are about to kaleidoscope.

Cordy: That's business as usual. They get groiny with each other, the world as we know it falls apart.
Doyle: Well, he's not cursed anymore. And anyway, you can't be sure that they're…
Cordy: Oh, please! They've got the forbidden love of all time. They have been apart for months. Now he's suddenly human? I'm sure they are down there just having tea and crackers.

Angel: I'm really sorry I kissed you like that.
Buffy: You are?
Angel: Well, not for the kiss itself…
Buffy: Good. I mean, cause as far as kisses go I thought it was well above average.

Buffy: You spoke to the Oracles and they said you were cured for good. But how do we know that they really speak for the Powers? I mean they could be pranksters.
Angel: Or there could be another loophole.
Buffy: Exactly. And then the two of us would be in even deeper and it’s 'grr' all over again.

Buffy: You know it's a good thing I didn't fantasize about you turning human only about 10 zillion times, because today would have been a real let down. So how does the mature plan go? You call me? I call you? What?
Angel: We stay in touch just not…
Buffy: Literally. Funny.

Buffy: You're human for like a minute and already there is Cookie-dough-fudge-mint-chip in the fridge.
Angel: God, I love food.

Cordy: Well, this is working out nicely! I'm out of a job.
Doyle: Hey! It's not just you, you know?
Cordy: Oh, please. Who are you kidding? You're glad it happened.
Doyle: Hey, I'm glad for Angel, but if that means I'm off the hook with the Powers-That-Be as well, all the better. I'm finally free to go out in the world and make me own mark in the world.
Cordy: We had a cat that used to do that. Oh god, what am I going to do? I'm good for exactly two things: International Superstardom, or helping a vampire with a soul to rid the world of evil. That makes for a short but colorful resume!

Doyle: Oh, to kill the beast one must bring darkness to 1000 eyes.
Angel: Funny, I only saw two.
Doyle: Keep up the glib. It makes me feel like we have a chance.

Cordy: Has it even occurred to you how this whole turning human thing might affect me?
Buffy: Regrettably, no.

Buffy: So what? You just took a whole 24 hours to weigh the ups and downs of being a regular Joe and decided it was more fun being a superhero?

Buffy: No! Oh God. It's not enough time.
Angel: chh, please. Please.
Angel: Please, please.
Buffy: No. I'll never forget. I'll never forget. I'll never forget. I'll never forget.

Buffy: Yeah. Okay. So I guess we've covered it, right?
Angel: I guess we did.
Buffy: And that's all there really is to say.
Angel: Yeah. That's it.

Par Surfy pour Buffy Fan
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