(Titre VF : Sacrifice héroïque )
Angel, épisode 09 saison 1

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Citations © Buffy Fan 2000/2001 - Merci de respecter les droits d'auteurs
Toute copie, même partielle de ces citations sont interdites. Ces citations sont tirées de la version originale de « Buffy contre les vampires ». Les personnages ainsi que les droits de la série télévisée "Buffy contre les vampires" ne nous appartiennent pas. Ils ont été crées par Joss Whedon, et lui appartiennent, ainsi qu' à Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television et the WB Television Network. Pour toute demande de diffusion, de n'importe qu'elle manière, veuillez vous adressez au webmaster de ce site.

~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Surfy


CORDY (qui commente): Okay, we fade up on an aerial shot, downtown, skyscrapers, lights, yada, yada, yada. We hear a narrator, preferably famous maybe that bald Star Trek guy or one of the cheaper Baldwins, and he says: “it's a big, bad city out there.” Cut to a woman walking down a dark, spooky street alone. We'll cast some beautiful, young actress, maybe an up-and-coming starlet whose carrier is on the verge of taking off (plan sur les jambes de Cordélia qui marche dans une rue sombre).
 Anyway, she's all nervous, right? Mucho vulnerable. The voice guy says: “danger lurks around every corner.” Boom! She's attacked by a big, ugly goon, with a knife. She screams: “help! Is there no one to help me?” Well now there is someone to answer your call. He'll protect you, (Un homme se bat et défend la jeune femme), catch you when you fall! You can count on it. (La caméra montre Angel qui dit:) And you can count on me, because I'm the Dark Avenger.

Retour à la réalité,

Angel:  I'm the what?
CORDY: The Dark Avenger.
ANGEL: I'm the Dark Avenger.
CORDY: I know, it's perfect! We can do it ourselves on High 8. I'll charm a post-production house into doing the effects and. Look, I know a little something about self-promotion, Angel, and I'm telling you one commercial like this could get us out of the red or the black or which ever one means we're broke, because that's us.
So what? Buffy blows into to town and puts you into a permanent funk and I'm just supposed to stand by and watch our business go belly up?

DOYLE: He's not entirely wrong, you know? Look, all I'm saying is advertising a superhero that can't really go out in the daylight might raise vampire suspicions, not to mention our pesky lack of an investigator's license.

CORDY: We will if we project the right image. And now I'm suddenly thinking that Angel is all wrong for this commercial! He is a larger-than-life character, way to Braveheart for Joe-Couch-potato to relate to. We need someone who's average, run of the mill, ordinary. You're perfect.
DOYLE: While I appreciate the compliment, it’s just...
CORDY: Come over here into the light, and let's see if we can create some cheekbones.
DOYLE: Cordelia, I'm not the photogenic type. Plus I get dry mouth.
CORDY: Excuse me? This is not a negotiation. This is a necessity. Our boss is in a funk. You know that he's only happy when he's fighting evil. Now let's drum up some!
DOYLE: I don't know what we need evil for when we got you right here.
CORDY: I heard that!

DOYLE: If you need help. Then look no further. Angel Investigations is the best!  Our rats are low.
CORDY: Our rates!
DOYLE: It says rats. Our rates are low, but our standards are high. When the chips are down, and you're at the end of your rope you need someone that you can count on. And that's what you'll find here someone you’ll go all the way, no matter what. So don't lose hope. Come on over to our offices and you'll see that there's still heroes in this world. Is that it? Am I done?
CORDY: I don't know. I'm not getting every man, I'm getting weasel. We don't want weasel?
DOYLE: I don't know. I think people will be pouring in as soon as they hear about our low rats. I could take another crack at it.
CORDY: I don't think so.
DOYLE: Weasel factor, huh?

CORDY: Maybe if we get him a costume!
DOYLE: A costume?
CORDY: Well, the guy is a bona fide hero, would it kill him to put on some tights and a cape and garner us some free publicity?
DOYLE: I don't see Angel putting on some tights…Ah, now I do, and it's really disturbing.

Alors que Cordélia et Doyle discutaient : il a une vision et elle tente de faire diversion,

CORDY: Oh, Uh, I know this one! Ah, mask, mask head, ah, the man with two brains!
CORDY: What ever you saw just now did they look like they could afford to pay?

CORDY: While this may look like a popular brand of breath freshener (Elle sort un spray et en pulvérise sur le démon) it really a cunningly disguised demon repellent!
DEMON (qui sent): Wintergreen.

ANGEL: Big Randy told you about me, right? You know what I am.
CONTROLEUR: He said you bit him?
ANGEL: No, I never bit him.
CONTROLEUR: So you don't...
ANGEL: I wasn't hungry.

CORDY: Why didn't you tell me that you were half demon? I thought we agreed that secrets are bad!
DOYLE: I wanted to tell you. I was afraid. I thought if I did, you'd reject me.
CORDY: I've rejected you way before now! So, you're half demon. Big Whoop! I can't believe you'd think I'd care about that. I mean, I work for a vampire! Hello?
DOYLE: It's true. I just…
CORDY: What do you think I am, superficial? So you're half demon. That's so far down the list, way under 'short' and 'poor'!

Par Surfy pour Buffy Fan
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