(Titre VF : Grossesse Expresse )
Angel, épisode 12 saison 1

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Citations © Buffy Fan 2000/2001 - Merci de respecter les droits d'auteurs
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~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Surfy

ANGEL: You look nice.

Angel a fait peur à Cordélia qui était en train de se mettre du rouge à lèvres. Elle s’en est mis de partout,

CORDY: And now I look like the Joker.
ANGEL: Sorry.
CORDY: Hopefully I’m still too young and carefree for a heart attack. Would it kill you to hum a little tune when sneaking up on people?
ANGEL: I don’t hum. I’m confused here. Why is Mrs. Bensen filed under ‘P’?
CORDY: That’s not a ‘P’ that’s an ‘F’. Or is it an ‘R’?
ANGEL: I don’t know. Maybe we can be a little less young and carefree with the filing?
CORDY: Oh, it’s an ‘F’. I remember now.
ANGEL: All right, so...Why is it Mrs. Bensen is filed under ‘F’?
CORDY: Because she is from France. Remember what a pain she was?
ANGEL: Yeah. It made me what to drink a lot.
CORDY: Well that’s the French for you.

WESLEY: I also packed along a ‘Word Puzzle 3-D’ if either of you has the nerve to take me on.
CORDY: Gee, Wesley, I’d love to, but unlike you, I’m not in my 80s quite yet.

 ANGEL: So, that client I’m supposed to be meeting tonight, what’s he like again?
CORDY: Like a big baby hatching from a big egg with really large hands, in need of a manicure.

WESLEY: I don’t suppose you need any help, slaying the big baby creature, do you? Not that an evening alone with word puzzle isn’t plenty exhilarating in it’s own right. Right.

WESLEY: Don’t move a muscle. Demon spawn! Cowards, don’t make me thrash it out of you. Where do you lay your eggs? In the cellar?
ANGEL (qui aperçoit le démon dans la maison à côté): Wesley...
WESLEY: In the bedroom?
ANGEL: Yeah, that’s right, termites lay their eggs anywhere, such as next door.
ANGEL: And we fight termites, where ever they may roam.
WESLEY: Sorry about the door.

ANGEL: Yeah. Baby just hatched. Wouldn’t want to run into him when he grows up and gets his driver’s license.
WESLEY: And thank you very much, Cordelia, for sending us to the wrong house. Another five minutes and that thing would have been loose in the world.
ANGEL: Huh, well, it all worked out.
WESLEY: This time. Maybe we should clean up… You think a Tahval demon leaves a hefty security deposit?
ANGEL: I’m sure of it.

Angel parle des copines de Cordélia,

ANGEL: I think they liked you.
WESLEY: Really! I… I didn’t mean doxy in the sexual promiscuous sense, exactly. You don’t think sticking the axe in the wall put them off?
ANGEL: That was charming.
WESLEY: What about the fact that they thought we were gay?
ANGEL: Adds mystery.

WILSON: So you left Sunnydale and came to LA. What was that like?
CORDY: Like skydiving without a parachute, except for the smashing your body to bits part. Actually, no, it was like that, too. Oh, and that guy that was supposed to be here when you arrive...
WILSON: The guy?
CORDY: With the big bag of fame and fortune.
WILSON: Oh, that guy.
CORDY: So, what happened to him?
WILSON: He comes and goes. He’s sort of fleeting that way.
CORDY: Well, if you see him will you tell him to fleet my way?

CORDY: All right, Dennis, knock it off! This is the one guy, I’ve actually liked in a long time, and if you keep killing the mood, I’ll kill you! All right, empty threat, you being a ghost and already dead and all. But I’ll do something worse! I’ll play ‘Evita’ around the clock. The one with Madonna!

WESLEY: If she’s that pregnant in one night, she could give birth at any moment.
ANGEL: We have to move fast. You’re gonna have to see what’s inside her.
WESLEY: I beg your pardon?
ANGEL: Pre-natal exam, Wesley.

DOCTOR: You’re what, eight and a half months along?
WESLEY: Feels like only yesterday, doesn’t it?

CORDY: I’m fine. I had this great audition today for Max Crax, you know, the little crackers?
ANGEL: That’s terrific.
ANGEL: Because, you know, a cracker is something everyone can…

CORDY: This producer was so nice. He said that I’m his first choice. We’re going out to dinner tonight.
ANGEL: Uh-huh, tonight?
WESLEY: Well, best to get back on the horse, I suppose. If he seems...
CORDY: He is so sweet. He says that all I have to do is let him impregnate me with his demon master’s seed, and I’ve got the part.  Guys, I appreciate all the concern, but I’m okay. I mean, it was an ordeal, but I got through it, and I’m a lot stronger than those loser demon surrogates thought.
ANGEL: I’m starting to learn that.
CORDY: I learned something, too. I learned, hum, men are evil? Oh, wait, I knew that. I learned that LA is full of self-serving phonies. No, had that one down, too. Uh... sex is bad?
ANGEL: We all knew that.
CORDY: Okay. I learned that I have two people I trust absolutely with my life. And that part’s new.
WESLEY (qui est ému): Uh, some, uh…allergies.

Par Surfy pour Buffy Fan
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