(Titre VF : Guerre des sexes )
Angel, épisode 13 saison 1

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Citations © Buffy Fan 2000/2001 - Merci de respecter les droits d'auteurs
Toute copie, même partielle de ces citations sont interdites. Ces citations sont tirées de la version originale de « Buffy contre les vampires ». Les personnages ainsi que les droits de la série télévisée "Buffy contre les vampires" ne nous appartiennent pas. Ils ont été crées par Joss Whedon, et lui appartiennent, ainsi qu' à Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television et the WB Television Network. Pour toute demande de diffusion, de n'importe qu'elle manière, veuillez vous adressez au webmaster de ce site.

~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Surfy

FEMME: Hey. Nice sweater. Hand knit?
WESLEY: Certainly not by me.
FEMME: I didn’t mean… I mean it’s a great sweater.
WESLEY: Oh, well, I-I’ll pass that on then to the person who knit it. I-I mean, I would, if I knew who did but I don’t.  So I won’t pass it on to anyone, will I?

ANGEL: Hi Dennis. How are you doing? Hmm, still dead. I know the feeling.

 ANGEL: Really, ah, fun party last night.
CORDY: I’m so glad you came. You know how parties are. You’re always worried that no one is going to suck the energy out of the room like a giant black hole of boring despair. But there you where in the clinch!
ANGEL: I didn’t... Boring?

ANGEL: I talked to people.  Laura.
CORDY: Laura thought you hated her. I had to tell her you were challenged.
ANGEL: I don’t hate her. I-I got to modes with people: bite and avoid. Hard to shift. Plus, I can’t get to close. I mean, with women...
CORDY: You can be nice. I mean, it’s not like Laura is going to throw you down on the living room floor and tear off all of your...  Well, actually, Laura...
ANGEL: I’ll try harder. Still, I mean, the quiet, reserved thing, don’t you think it makes me kind of I don’t know, cool?

CORDY: Well, this is great! Now we’re really... (A Angel) Do I have to take a pay-cut? (Angel répond que non) a team!
 WESLEY: You won’t be disappointed. There is, euh, something in my eye.

ANGEL: Yeah. It’s not an ‘it’ it’s a ‘she.
CORDY: A chick that burns? Are you okay? Did she care…
ANGEL: Did she care about me?
CORDY: Did she ‘Carrie’ you! Carrie, the movie, you know?

CORDY: What…what does she look like?
ANGEL: Ah, two raised ridges running down either cheek, violet eyes, uhm, she seemed intelligent. She was very attractive, for a demon.
CORDY: A hottie, huh? I guess she’s that all right. What with the sizzle.
ANGEL: Sizzler?
CORDY: The sizzle factor?

ANGEL : On the left one spies the painter himself. In the middle distance is the French poet and critic Baudelaire, a friend of the artist. Now, Baudelaire  interesting fellow. In his poem ‘Le Vampire’ he wrote: ‘Thou who abruptly as a knife didst come into my heart.’ - He, ah, strongly believed that evil forces surrounded mankind. And some even speculated that the poem was about a real vampire. Oh and, ah, Baudelaire was actually a little taller and a lot drunker than he is depicted here.

WESLEY: Ah, ha!
CORDY: That better be an ‘Aha!’ of triumph. I was dreaming there was a going out of business sale at Neimans!

CORDY: What are you doing? We nearly got burned from the inside out and you’re here getting all April fresh?

WESLEY: Not to worry. My fault I’m sure, really. Cagey little brutes, aren’t they? I’ll wash them if you’d like. Individually. They’ll be just as good as new. Better.
ANGEL: Wesley. Stop.
CORDY: Wow. Groveling isn’t just a way of life for you, it’s an art.

WESLEY: Well, that’s... I can’t tell you... I am your faithful servant, Angel.
CORDY: Like I said, an art.

Par Surfy pour Buffy Fan
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