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Réalisé par
WESLEY: A knife with that
mark is the only thing that will kill a Kek demon. Could be very useful.
ANGEL: Especially if Kek
demons weren’t extinct.
WESLEY: They are? Oh dear.
Well, perhaps there is one out there hibernating, eh? Ready to wake at
any moment and embark on a grisly rampage.
ANGEL: I’ll keep my fingers
CORDELIA: They’re done! Nobody
ANGEL (à Wesley):
She’s making brownies.
WESLEY: Oh, is that what
I smell? I thought I tracked something in.
WESLEY : Well, they don’t
smell right.
CORDY : I think Mr. Too-much-cologne
is the pot calling the kettle stinky.
ANGEL: I’ve been around death
before a lot! I’ve lost people. I’ve killed people.
CORDY: And you are dead…Sorry.
CORDY : What is this stuff
anyway? Kind of pretty!
WESLEY: Uh, it’s the bodily
excretion of an Ethros demon.
CORDY: No one could have
said demon poo before I touched it.
CORDY: Hi, I’m Cordelia.
Sorry about the possession and everything.
SETH: Ah ! Hello.
CORDY: Oh, I wonder if I
should put plastic down. Angel, are you expecting any big vomiting here?
Because I saw the movie.
CORDY: Jeez, we got it! Circle, angry, kill, kill, kill. Go to church already.
ANGEL: Ah, an authentic Ethros
box is made of 600 species of virgin woods and handcrafted by blind Tibetan
CORDY: Nope. Don’t know
ANGEL: Melrose and Robertson,
between the yogurt shop and the Doggy Dunk.
CORDY: Blind virgin monks?