~~~~~~~~~~ Citations
Réalisé par
WESLEY : Perhaps Angel's
discovered a new species.
CORDY: What? Helen Kellerus
ANGEL : There is no guilt,
there is no torment, no consequences. It's pure. I remember what
that was like. Sometimes I miss that clarity.
CORDY: But not the trying
to kill your friends and family part, right? Just checking!
GUNN: Give me one good reason.
ANGEL: It'll be extremely
GUNN: Okay.
Holland Manners tue l’un de ses avocats, Lee. Des gardes enlèvent le corps qui laisse une traînée de sang sur la moquette,
HOLLAND : What a pity. You can't get that out of the carpet.
CORDY: Hey, guess what they've
been doing all day?
WESLEY: Uh… saving the world?
CORDY: Well, yeah.
LINDSEY : Sorry I'm late.
I hope I didn't worry anyone.
CORDY: We just figured you
were dead.
ANGEL: So you made it out