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WESLEY: Shanshu. Shanshu.
Or maybe it's shushan.
CORDY: Are you still trying
to figure out that word ? What's taking so long ?
WESLEY: Gee, I don't know,
Cordelia. The prophecies of Aberjian were only written over the last 4000
years, in a dozen different languages, some of which aren't even human!
Why don't we just get a phalangoid demon in here, suck the brain out of
my skull. Maybe that would speed things up.
CORDY: He sure gets testy
when he's translating.
CORDY :I wanna know what
it says about me. If there is torrid romance in my future - massive wealth?
If I have to I'll settle for enviable fame.
WESLEY: This is an ancient
sacred text, not a magic eight ball.
CORDY: Nobody gets my humor.
ANGEL: I thought it was
WESLEY: After all you did
for him he sells his soul for thirty pieces of silver.
CORDY: Actually he sold
it for a six-figure salary and a full benefits package.
DAVID : Ah, what did I do
? Spun off my digital pager network, made a few more million. Alright,
several. Big whoop ! What does that mean ?
CORDY: No more shopping
at the Penny Saver ?
CORDY: That shoe shine thing
WESLEY: Shanshu.
CORDY : Angel is going to
die ?
ANGEL: Oh ! Anything else
CORDY: He certainly took
that well.Is this that opportune time to talk about my raise ?
WESLEY: It's probably years
off, after the coming battles.
CORDY: My raise?
CORDY: Pain - killer.
WESLEY: Painful killer-demon.
CORDY: Painkiller !
CORDY: Ah, thanks. If I ever meet these Powers That Be. I'm gonna punch then in the nose ! Do you think they have a nose ?
CORDY: Well, it's just a
prophecy. It's not like it came from on high.
WESLEY: That's what a prophecy
is, Cordelia.
CORDY: Alright. Yeah, but Angel faces death all the time just like a normal guy faces waffles and French-fries. It's something he faces every day like :lunch. Are you hungry ?
WESLEY: What connects us
to life ?
CORDY: Right now ? I'm going
with doughnuts.
CORDY: We'll start small. Keep it simple. How would you like a puppy ? Right. A Ficus ? They're low maintenance. Ant farm ?
CORDY: Oracles. Get out of the house. Could be fun.
GUNN :You getting enough iron ? You look a little pale. Okay, it's in the human world to humor people who've done favors for you in the past.
GUNN: Yeah, well, if it's tossing a vampire in with them lawyers, I'm in. Because that was my idea of a good time.
LILAH : Remember when Robert Price let the senior partners down and they made him eat his liver? I don't know what made me think of that.
CORDY : I just hope skin and bones here and figure out what those lawyers raised *sometime* before the prophecy kicks in and you croak. That was the old me, wasn't it ?
WESLEY: Ah, the vampire with a soul, once he fulfills his destiny, will Shanshu. Become human. It's his reward.
CORDY: Yeah, break out the champagne, Pinocchio. This is a big deal !
CORDY: Typical. I hook up with the only person in history who ever came to LA to get older.