Are you now or have you ever been
(Titre VF : L’hôtel du mal )
Angel, épisode 02 saison 2

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Citations © Buffy Fan 2000/2001 - Merci de respecter les droits d'auteurs
Toute copie, même partielle de ces citations sont interdites. Ces citations sont tirées de la version originale de « Buffy contre les vampires ». Les personnages ainsi que les droits de la série télévisée "Buffy contre les vampires" ne nous appartiennent pas. Ils ont été crées par Joss Whedon, et lui appartiennent, ainsi qu' à Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television et the WB Television Network. Pour toute demande de diffusion, de n'importe qu'elle manière, veuillez vous adressez au webmaster de ce site.

~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Surfy

CORDY : Something the matter ?
ANGEL : I…hum, I think its gone bad. It's starting to coagulate.
CORDY : Huh ? No. That's cinnamon. What, I can't try something ?

WESLEY: Angel, this is more than just a sudden interest in real estate !

WESLEY : Frankly, I haven't the slightest idea what to do with all this. We could make a collage or a mobile.

WESLEY: Well. Now we know one thing for certain.
CORDY: Yup. It's not that vampires don't photograph, it's just that they don't photograph well.
WESLEY: I mean, that Angel had a personal connection to this place.

JUDY: Can you imagine that wallpaper being the last thing you see before you go?
ANGEL: Maybe it was the wallpaper that drove him to it.

CORDY: It's kind of like a puzzle. The 'who died horribly because Angel screwed up 50 years ago' game?

HOMME 1 : So, we're sitting there having a drink, and the guy says to me :Do they serve peanuts at this bar ?
HOMME 2 : So ?
FEMME: So, the guy is supposedly suicidal and he's thinking about peanuts?
HOMME 2 : Maybe he's craving something salty.

WESLEY :Orb of Ramjerin.
GUNN : Orb of Ramjerin please, makes it happen.
WESLEY : Please ! And do be careful. Ancient conjuring orbs are notoriously fragile.
WESLEY: Angel !
ANGEL: Guys, don't listen to it, alright ? What ever it's whispering to you, just ignore it.
CORDY: They were like this all the way over here in the car.

ANGEL: Watch his tentacles.
CORDY: Excuse-me ?
WESLEY: Tentacles !

THESULAC :  Not as delectable as the last one perhaps but full of tasty paranoia just the same. (Il désigne Wesley) especially that one !
WESLEY: What did he mean by that ?

THESULAC : When the room service in this hotel is still excellent ?

WESLEY: What did he mean, especially that one?

WESLEY: I've been accused of a great many things in my time, but paranoid has never been one of them. Unless people been saying it behind my back.

CORDY: Good. Because I for one will be glad to see the last of this place. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.
CORDY: 70 years of violence, mayhem and paranoia bad vibes.
ANGEL: We're moving in.
CORDY: I mean, a few throw pillows what's not to love?

WESLEY : Angel, you don't… find me… especially paranoid, do you ?
ANGEL : Not especially.
WESLEY : Oh, thank god !  I was worried.

Par Surfy pour Buffy Fan
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