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Réalisé par
CORDY : Something the matter
ANGEL : I…hum, I think its
gone bad. It's starting to coagulate.
CORDY : Huh ? No. That's
cinnamon. What, I can't try something ?
WESLEY: Angel, this is more than just a sudden interest in real estate !
WESLEY : Frankly, I haven't the slightest idea what to do with all this. We could make a collage or a mobile.
WESLEY: Well. Now we know
one thing for certain.
CORDY: Yup. It's not that
vampires don't photograph, it's just that they don't photograph well.
WESLEY: I mean, that Angel
had a personal connection to this place.
JUDY: Can you imagine that
wallpaper being the last thing you see before you go?
ANGEL: Maybe it was the
wallpaper that drove him to it.
CORDY: It's kind of like a puzzle. The 'who died horribly because Angel screwed up 50 years ago' game?
HOMME 1 : So, we're sitting
there having a drink, and the guy says to me :Do they serve peanuts at
this bar ?
HOMME 2 : So ?
FEMME: So, the guy is supposedly
suicidal and he's thinking about peanuts?
HOMME 2 : Maybe he's craving
something salty.
WESLEY :Orb of Ramjerin.
GUNN : Orb of Ramjerin please,
makes it happen.
WESLEY : Please ! And do
be careful. Ancient conjuring orbs are notoriously fragile.
WESLEY: Angel !
ANGEL: Guys, don't listen
to it, alright ? What ever it's whispering to you, just ignore it.
CORDY: They were like this
all the way over here in the car.
ANGEL: Watch his tentacles.
CORDY: Excuse-me ?
WESLEY: Tentacles !
THESULAC : Not as delectable
as the last one perhaps but full of tasty paranoia just the same. (Il désigne
Wesley) especially that one !
WESLEY: What did he mean
by that ?
THESULAC : When the room service in this hotel is still excellent ?
WESLEY: What did he mean, especially that one?
WESLEY: I've been accused of a great many things in my time, but paranoid has never been one of them. Unless people been saying it behind my back.
CORDY: Good. Because I for
one will be glad to see the last of this place. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.
CORDY: 70 years of violence,
mayhem and paranoia bad vibes.
ANGEL: We're moving in.
CORDY: I mean, a few throw
pillows what's not to love?
WESLEY : Angel, you don't…
find me… especially paranoid, do you ?
ANGEL : Not especially.
WESLEY : Oh, thank god !
I was worried.