I Robot – You Jane
(Titre VF : Moloch)
Buffy, épisode 08 saison 1

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Citations © Buffy Fan 2000/2001 - Merci de respecter les droits d'auteurs
Toute copie, même partielle de ces citations sont interdites. Ces citations sont tirées de la version originale de « Buffy contre les vampires ». Les personnages ainsi que les droits de la série télévisée "Buffy contre les vampires" ne nous appartiennent pas. Ils ont été crées par Joss Whedon, et lui appartiennent, ainsi qu' à Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television et the WB Television Network. Pour toute demande de diffusion, de n'importe qu'elle manière, veuillez vous adressez au webmaster de ce site.

~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Fyno

Giles: Uh, when I’ve examined it, you can, uh, uh, skim it.
Jenny: Scan it, Rupert. That’s scan it.

Jenny: Oh, I know, our ways are strange to you, but soon you will join us in the 20th century. With three whole years spare!
Giles: Ms Calendar, I’m sure your computer science class is fascinating, but I happen to believe that one can survive in modern society without being a slave to the, um, idiot box.
Jenny: That’s TV. The idiot box is TV. This is the GOOD box!

Willow: Xander, you wanna stay and help me?
Xander: Are you kidding?
Willow: Yes, it was a joke I made up.

Giles: I’m, I’m just gonna stay and clean up a little. I’ll, uh, I’ll be back in the middle ages.
Jenny: Did you ever leave?

Buffy: So, you’ve been seeing a guy, and you don’t know what he looks like? Okay, this is a puzzle. No, wait, I’m good at these. Does it involve a midget and a block of ice?
Willow: I met him online.
Buffy: On line for what?

Buffy: Not everything, but some stuff is. I mean, what if you guys get really, really intense, and then you find out that he… has… a hairy back?
Willow: Well, no! Uh, he doesn’t talk like somebody who would have a hairy back. And anyways, that stuff doesn’t matter when you really care about each other. Maybe I’m not his ideal either.

Boy; This isn’t my report! ‘Nazi Germany was a model of a well ordered society’? I didn’t write that! Who’s been in my files?

Xander: Or who he really is. I mean, sure he says he’s a high school student, but I can say I’m a high school student.
Buffy: You are.
Xander: Okay, but I can also say that I’m an elderly Dutch woman. Get me? I mean, who’s to say I’m not if I’m in the elderly Dutch chat room?

Buffy:  But they write the profile themselves, right? And so they could say anything they wanted.
Dave: True.
Buffy: Wow! I had knowledge!

Xander: Calax Research and Development. It’s a computer research lab. Third largest  employer in Sunnydale till it closed down last year. What, I can’t have information sometimes?
Giles: Well, I-it’s just somewhat unprecedented.

Buffy: Besides, I can just tell something’s wrong. My spider sense is tingling.
Giles: You… spider sense?
Buffy: Pop culture reference. Sorry.

Buffy: I think we’re done. Makes our speaking English is good?
Xander: I panicked, okay?

Jenny: You’re a snob.
Giles: I am no such thing.
Jenny: Oh, you’re a big snob. You, you think that knowledge should be kept in these carefully guarded repositories where only a handful of white guys can get at it.

Giles: Well, it’s been so nice talking to you.
Jenny: We were fighting.
Giles: Must do it again sometime, yes… Bye, now.

Buffy: Tell me the truth: how’s my hair?
Xander: It’s great! It’s your best hair ever!

Buffy: You mean besides convince a perfectly nice kid to try and kill me? I don’t know. How about mess up all the medical equipment in the world?
Giles: Randomise traffic signals.
Buffy: Access launch codes for our nuclear missiles.
Giles: Destroy the world’s economy.
Buffy: I think I pretty much capped it with that nuclear missile thing.
Giles: Right, yours was best.

Giles: Ms. Calendar and I are, uh, working to get Moloch offline.
Buffy: Here’s a tip: hurry!

Giles: Couldn’t you just stop Moloch by, by entering some computer virus?
Jenny: You’ve seen way too many movies.

Willow: Malcolm! Remember me, your girlfriend?! Well, I think it’s time we break up! Or maybe we can still be friends!

Buffy: Hey, did you forget? The one boy I’ve had the hots for since I’ve moved here turned out to be a vampire.
Xander: Right, and the teacher I had a crush on? Giant praying mantis?
Willow: That’s true.
Xander: Yeah, that’s life on the Hellmouth.
Buffy: Let’s face it: none of us are ever gonna have a happy, normal relationship.
Xander: We’re doomed!
Willow: Yeah!
(they all laugh but it’s a nervous laugh that stops quickly)

Par Fyno pour Buffy Fan
Pour lui écrire, réagir à ses commentaires, laissez un message à: redac@buffyfan.org
Copyright 2000/2002