Becoming, Part 2
(Titre VF : Acathla Part 02)
Buffy, épisode 22 saison 2

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Citations © Buffy Fan 2000/2001 - Merci de respecter les droits d'auteurs
Toute copie, même partielle de ces citations sont interdites. Ces citations sont tirées de la version originale de « Buffy contre les vampires ». Les personnages ainsi que les droits de la série télévisée "Buffy contre les vampires" ne nous appartiennent pas. Ils ont été crées par Joss Whedon, et lui appartiennent, ainsi qu' à Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television et the WB Television Network. Pour toute demande de diffusion, de n'importe qu'elle manière, veuillez vous adressez au webmaster de ce site.

~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Fyno

Snyder: Buffy Summers. If there’s trouble, she’s behind it.
Buffy: You stupid little troll. You have no idea!
Snyder: Attitude problem. Serious.

Buffy: You okay?
Cordelia: I ran. I think I made it through three counties before I realized nobody was chasing me. Not too brave.

Giles: What do you want?
Angelus: I wanna torture you. I used to love it, and it’s been a long time. I mean, the last time I tortured somebody, they didn’t even have chainsaws.

Angelus: oh, yeah. Acathla. He’s an even harder guy to wake up than you are. I mean, I performed the rituals, said all the right phrases… blood on my hand. Got nothing. Big doughnut hole for my troubles. I figure you know the ritual. You’re pretty up on these things. You could probably… tell me what I’m doing wrong. But honestly, I sorta hope you don’t… ‘Cause I really wanna torture you.

Buffy: I have had a really bad day, okay? If you have information worth hearing, then I am grateful for it. If you’re gonna crack jokes, then I’m gonna pull out your ribcage and wear it as hat.

Spike: We like to talk big. Vampires do. “I’m going to destroy the world.” That’s just though guy talk. Strutting around with your friends over a pint of blood. The truth is, I like this world. You’ve got… dog racing, Manchester United. And you’ve got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It’s all right here. But then someone comes along with a vision. With a real… passion for destruction. Angel could pull it off. Goodbye, Piccadilly. Farewell, Leicester Bloody Square. You know what I’m saying?

Oz: How you feelin’?
Willow: My head… feels big. Is it big?
Oz: No, it’s head size.

Spike: What, your mum doesn’t know?
Joyce: Know what?
Buffy: That I’m uh, … in a band. A-a rock band with Spike here.
Spike: Right. She plays the, the triangle.
Buffy: Drums.
Spike: Drums, yeah. She’s, uh, hell on the old skins, you know.

Buffy: I’m sorry, Mom, but I don’t have time for this.
Joyce: No! I am tired of “I don’t have time” or-or “you wouldn’t understand”. I am your mother, and you will make time to explain yourself.
Buffy: I told you. I’m a Vampire Slayer.
Joyce: Well, I just don’t accept that!
Buffy: Open your eyes, Mom. What do you think has been going on for the past two years? The fights, the weird occurrences. How many times have you washed blood out of my clothing, and you still haven’t figured it out?
Joyce: Well, it stops now!
Buffy: No, it doesn’t stop! I never stops! Do-do you think I chose to be like this? Do you have any idea how lonely it is, how dangerous? I would love to be upstairs watching TV or gossiping about boys or… God, even studying! But I have to save the world… again.
Joyce: No. this is insane. Buffy, you need help.
Buffy: I’m not crazy! What I need is for you to chill. I have to go!
Joyce: No. I am not letting you out of this house.
Buffy: You can’t stop me.
Joyce: Oh yes I… You walk out of this house, don’t even think about coming back!

Willow: I’m okay.
Xander: You don’t look okay. Does she?
Cordelia: You should listen to him. The hair, it’s so flat, and the lips…
Xander: Could we stay on topic here, honey?

Angelus: Just tell me what I need to know.
Giles: In order… to be worthy…
Angelus: Yeah?
Giles: You must perform the ritual… in a tutu.

Snyder: In case you haven’t noticed, the police of Sunnydale are deeply stupid. It doesn’t matter anyway. Whatever they find, you’ve proved too much of a liability for this school. These are moments you want to savor. You wish time would stop so that you could live them over and over again. You’re expelled.
Buffy: You never ever got a single date in high school, did you?
Snyder: Your point being?

Buffy: Whistler. What did you mean, the sword isn’t enough?
Whistler: You know, raiding an Englishman’s fridge is like dating a nun. You’re never gonna get the good stuff.

Buffy: Xander!
Xander: Cavalry’s here. Cavalry’s a frightened guy with a rock, but it’s here.

Spike: I don’t want to hurt you, baby. Doesn’t mean I won’t.

Giles: Xander?
Xander: Can you walk?
Giles: You’re not real.
Xander: Sure, I’m real.
Giles: It’s a trick. They get inside my head, make me see things I want.
Xander: Then why would they make you see me?
Giles: You’re right. Let’s go.

Angelus: Now that’s everything, huh? No weapons… No friends… No hope. Take all that away… and what’s left?
Buffy: Me.

Angel: What’s happening?
Buffy: Shh. Don’t worry about it. I love you.
Angel: I love you.
Buffy: Close your eyes.

Par Fyno pour Buffy Fan
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Copyright 2000/2002