Beauty and the Beasts
(Titre VF : Les belles et les bêtes)
Buffy, épisode 304 saison 3

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~~~~~~~~~~ Citations  ~~~~~~~~~~
Réalisé par Fyno

Xander: Oh! “Call of the Wild”. Aren’t we reading the Cliff Notes to this for English?
Willow: Some of us are. Anyway, it’ll help you stay awake. It’s good and, and very wolfy. Seems to soothe the savage beast. Except for the parts about… rabitts.

Willow: I put those towels up for privacy.
Xander: Uh, no worries. I can handle the Oz Full Monty. I mean, not “handle” handle, like “hands to flesh” handle.
Willow: Mm, okay. Well, it’s not for you. It’s for me, ‘cause I’m still getting used to half a Monty.
Xander: Oh, Good. Half? You and Oz? Which half?
Willow: Wouldn’t you like to know?

Buffy: Blueberry. That crunchy, munchy stuff on top. But my most favorite thing so far is that he doesn’t seem to be any kind of Hell Beast.
Faith: All men are beasts, Buffy.
Buffy: Okay, I was hoping to not get that cynical till I was at least forty.
Faith: It’s not cynical. I mean, it’s realistic. Every guy from.. Manimal down to Mr. I-love-the-english-patient has beast in him. And I don’t care how sensitive they act. They’re all still just in it for the chase.

Giles: Right. It’s good to see you. Um, no need to panic.
Oz: Just a thought: poker: not your game.

Giles: I’m afraid he was, he was, um, terribly mauled. Now, uh, much as I hate to think it, I-I-it could be the handiwork of, of…
Oz: Me.
Willow: Wolf you, not you you.
Xander: But it’s not. Not wolf you, not you you. The room was secured, the gate was locked, and the window was unbreakable, and… open.

Giles: How long… exactly did you… rest your eyes for?
Xander: A little now, uh, a little then. But I never heard Oz leave, and he was here in the morning when I, um… when I …
Giles: WOKE UP!
Xander: You could put it that way if you want to, Mr. Technical.

Cordelia: Oz ate someone last night.
Willow: He did not!
Xander: Oz does not ate people. It’s more werewolf play. You know, I bat you around a little bit, like a cat toy. I have harmless, wolf fun. Is it Oz’s fault that, you know, side effect, people get cut to ribbons, and maybe then he’ll take a little nibble and… I’m not helping, am I?

Oz: Okay. Uh, you know that thing where you bail in the middle of an upsetting conversation? I have to do that. It’s kinda dramatic, I know, but… sometimes, it’s a necessary guy thing.

Willow: I’m not sure. I mean, there are a lot of incised wounds, but they could be from anything.
Cordelia: Anything with big, sharp teeth and vicious…
Xander: Do you wanna go back to the car and wait?

Faith: Oh! Uh, Buffy! Are you okay? What are you doing here?
Buffy: Uh, bleeding internally, but I’ll live.
Faith: God I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t hear you.

Buffy: Oh. Boy. Faith and her nutty books.
Giles: “Exploring Demon Dimensions” and “Mystery of Acathla”.
Buffy: Yeah! And she still listens to heavy metal. Freaky deaky.

Willow: Glazed or cake? It’s fun to watch them make them. They use this spritzy thing, and they drop the batter into this…
Buffy: Couldn’t sleep, huh?
Willow: I’ve been at Mister Donut since the TV did that snowy thing.

Buffy: I’m… I’m really out of it today. I didn’t sleep well last night.
Debbie: Just don’t tell Mr. Platt you have insomnia. He’ll make you start a dream journal.
Pete: Oh, what’s that, like, a Barbie thing? Dear Dream Journal, how come Ken hasn’t come around since he got that earring?

Faith: Which means that he was killed during the day.
Willow: Yes! …. Sorry. I got… I’ve just been… it’s horrible, horrible.

Giles: Our task now is to determine what sort of killer we are dealing with. Clearly, we’re looking for a depraved, sadistic animal.
Oz: Present.

Buffy: It’s tricky, covering a fresh shiner like that. You know what works?
Debbie: What?
Buffy: Don’t get it.

Willow: It’s all over school, what happened with Debbie and Pete. Except for the Pete-was-a-monster part.
Oz: Yeah. A freshman told me that Pete had eight iced café mochas and just lost it.
Buffy: That’s better then the estrogen theory. I heard he took all of his mother’s birth control pills.

Par Fyno pour Buffy Fan
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