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Willow : Oz ! Hey! Have a seat… Except, we don’t have any seats.
Willow: Hey! Speaking of
people and things they do that aren’t like usual, anyone notice Buffy acting
sort of different?
Xander: Let’s see, uh, killing
zombies… uh, torching sewer monsters, and… No, that’s pretty much the,
uh, same old Buffster.
Willow: A boyfriend? Why
wouldn’t she tell us?
Cordelia: Excuse me? When
your last steady killed half the class, and then your rebound guy sends
you a dump-o-gram? It makes a girl shy.
Cordelia: So, are you dating
somebody or not?
Buffy: I wouldn’t use the
word “dating”, but I am going out with somebody. Tonight, as a matter of
Willow: Really? Who?
Faith; Yo, what’s up?
Gwendolyn: Faith needs a
Watcher. I am not act in that capacity and report back.
Faith: Excuse me, Mary Poppins,
you don’t seem to be listening.
Giles: Faith, if the council
feels that you need closer observation, then… we will all, of course, cooperate.
Gwendolyn: The council wishes
me to report on the entire situation here, including you.
Buffy: Mm! Academic probation’s
not so funny today, huh, Giles?
Gwendolyn: The fact is, there
is talk in the council that you have become a bit too… American.
Giles: Me?
Buffy: Him?
Gwendolyn: Anything in your books that might pinpoint the exact location of the tomb would be useful, but then, we cannot ask for miracles.
Buffy: Interesting lady.
Ca, we kill her?
Giles: I think the council
might frown upon that.
Willow: Ugh… It’s late. I’m
tired. What does he want from us, anyway?
Xander: The number of a
qualified surgeon to remove the British flag from his butt?
Faith: Ronnie, deadbeat.
Steve, klepto. Kenny… drummer. Eventually, I just had to face up to my
destiny as a loser magnet. Now it’s strictly get some, get gone. You can’t
trust guys.
Buffy: You can trust some
guys. Really, I’ve read about them.
Xander: Hey Giles, here’s a nifty idea: why don’t I alleviate my guilt by goin’ out and getting’ myself really, really killed?
Giles: There’s a wood engraving.
See? The Glove of Myhnegon.
Gwendolyn: Yes, engraved
by Father Theodore of Wolsham.
Giles: Yes.
Gwendolyn: Based, I believe,
on very sketchy and unreliable folk legends. The pictures are fun to look
at, Mr Giles, but one really ought to read the nice words as well.
Buffy: It’s not what you
Xander: Hope not. Because
I think you’re harboring a vicious killer.
Willow: This isn’t about
attacking Buffy. Remember. “I” statements only. “I feel angry.” “I feel
Cordelia: Fine. Here’s one:
I feel worried… about me! Last time around, Angel barely laid a hand on
Buffy. Ha was way more interested in killing her friends.
Cordelia: What gives you
the right to suck face with your demon lover again?
Buffy: It was an accident.
Xander: What, you just tripped
and fell on his lips?
Buffy: So on a scale of one
to a million, how much are you hating me right now?
Willow: Zero. You were scared,
you kept secret, you know? That’s-it-it’s okay. I mean , secrets aren’t
bad. You know, they’re normal. They’re better than normal. They’re good.
Secrets are good. Must be a reason why we kept them, right?
Willow: So, are you going to the Bronze tonight, or, uh, are you gonna sneak away for a not-so-secret rendezvous with Angel?
Willow: Um, not to downplay
my own slaying abilities which in some circles are considered formidable,
but shouldn’t Faith be here?
Buffy: I tried calling,
but no one was home. Look, if you’re feeling any demon-o-phobia, please,
splitting is totally an option. You’re not the one in trouble with Giles.
Willow: There’s something
I have to tell you.
Buffy: What?
Willow: Okay. This will
make me feel better, right? You know, I always consider myself a good person.
Floss, do my homework, never cheat. But lately, and please don’t judge
me on this, but I want you to be the first to know that… there’s a demon
behind you.
Buffy: Sorry about that.
So, what were you saying?
Willow: Oh, I… I opened
my SAT test booklet five minutes early. Just doesn’t seem important now,
does it?
Buffy: Are we cool?
Xander: Yeah! Just seeing
the two of you kissing after everything that happened, I leaned toward
the postal. But I trust you.
Cordelia: I don’t. just
for the record.
Buffy: Let me guess: Gwendolyn
Post: not a Watcher.
Giles: Yes, she was. She
was, uh, kicked out by council a couple of years ago for misuses of dark
power. They swear there was a memo